Een interessante TEDX over hoe je een verschil kan maken door een ander perspectief te hanteren. De overheid moet doen datgene wat anderen niet kunnen, maar doe dat niet alleen, betrek iedere burger bij de vraagstukken van de maatschappij.En verbaas je over hun inbreng, deze is namelijk niet gering.
As people around the world become more and more technologically literate, and start to experience this orbital perspective themselves, YOU are not only demanding more participation in government affairs, but YOU are expecting to participate on your terms, using common technology, and with a purpose much bigger then just space exploration. You are not only interested in seeing the problems with government; you actually want the opportunity to help fix them. You are not just calling for greater transparency in government; you are seeking greater participation. Thankfully, technology is opening the doors so that YOU can now collaborate with government to help shape solutions to the grand challenges of our times, the ones that require not only government participation, but participation by all of us.
What this means for governments worldwide is that participation is no longer limited to showing up to vote on election day, sending a letter to your Congressman and hoping for a response, expressing your concern by protesting about your favorite cause, or accepting a government job to be able to make a difference. There are now other ways to participate directly in government.
And what this means for governments at every level – local, state and federal – is simple. Our job is to engage YOU.
[lees de oorspronkelijke blog]